Privacy Policy, recognizing the significance of privacy and the confidentiality of user information, is committed to safeguarding the Personal Information of its users as a responsible data controller and data processor.

  1. Introduction: This Privacy Policy outlines the practices for handling and securing users’ Personal Information by The policy is applicable to individuals (“Users”) who purchase, intend to purchase, or inquire about any products or services offered by through its various customer interface channels, including its website and offline channels.
  2. Agreement to Terms: By accessing the website or other sales channels, Users agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. If a User disagrees with this policy, they should refrain from using or accessing the website and other sales channels.
  3. Scope and Third-Party Sites: This Privacy Policy applies to and its associated sales channels. It does not extend to third-party websites, even if linked to the website. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of third-party sites.
  4. Cookies, Session Data, and Personal Information:
  • Cookies: uses cookies to enhance user experience, personalize content, and provide targeted advertisements. Users can control cookie acceptance through browser settings.
  • Session Data: Logging of session data, including IP address, operating system, and browser type, occurs to analyze user behavior, diagnose server issues, and administer systems.
  1. Personal Information Collection:
  • Registration: Users may browse the website without registration. However, certain resources and services require registration, involving the collection of personal information, such as name, designation, email, mobile number, etc.
  • Business Transactions: Vendor or Business Partner Data may be collected during business transactions.
  1. Information Sharing: Personal Information may be shared with:
  • Service Providers and Suppliers: Information is shared with service providers responsible for order fulfillment.
  • Group Companies: Personalized services may involve sharing information with affiliated entities.
  • Business Partners and Vendors: Filtered information may be shared with partners for offers or services.
  1. Information Protection: While takes steps to ensure information security, users are advised to log out of their accounts after use. No data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, and users share information at their own risk.
  2. User Rights: Users may access, correct, or delete Personal Information through their user accounts. For assistance, contact [email protected].
  3. Changes to Privacy Policy: reserves the right to revise the Privacy Policy. Users will be duly notified of any changes.
  4. Copyright Protection: All content on is protected by copyright law. Any use beyond what is permitted by requires express permission.
  5. Consent/Dispute: By using the website, Users consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Disputes and concerns can be addressed by contacting [email protected].

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the agreement between Users and Users are encouraged to review and understand its contents.